How To Be Safe with Herpes Around Others

If you have herpes, here are some precautionary measures that you can take to avoid spreading of the virus further: Keep affected area as clean and dry as possible. After a bath or shower use a hair dryer set on cool to dry the area where lesions are present. If you do not use a … Read more

If you have herpes, here are some precautionary measures that you can take to avoid spreading of the virus further:

  • Keep affected area as clean and dry as possible. After a bath or shower use a hair dryer set on cool to dry the area where lesions are present. If you do not use a hair dryer use a soft towel and pat dry. Do not use the towel on unaffected areas of the body.
  • Avoid touching eyes and other mucous membranes that have had contact with herpes lesions.
  • Washing hands will help prevent the possibility of passing the virus from one part of the body to another.
  • If you have open cuts on hands or other parts of the body, avoid contact with herpes.
  • Don’t perform oral sex.
  • Avoid kissing other people especially infants.
  • Don’t share razors with other people.
  • Do not break open the blisters.

How to reduce the risk of transmitting herpes sexually

In addition to the precautionary measures above, you can reduce the risk of transmitting the herpes virus sexually to your partner by following these guidelines:

  • Avoid sexual contact during periods when symptoms are present. Sexual expression that does not involve physical contact with infected skin areas can be safe activities.
  • Use latex condoms and spermicidal foams between outbreaks to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus during sex.
  • Consult with your health care provider about you own specific questions and concerns about safer sex.
  • Try to avoid having sex when you are under the influence of alcohol. You may be less likely to use condoms effectively
  • Know as much as you can about your sex partners. Before you go to bed with anyone, try and spend time getting to know him or her. You may want to talk about your sexual history.
  • Never reuse a condom.
  • Limit your number of sex partners to one.

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